St James College

Male & Female

Established 1868


10 mins walk from BROWNS

Year levels:
7 - 12

St James College

St James College is a co-educational Catholic Day School in the Edmund Rice Tradition established in 1868.

The College is located on the Brisbane city fringe with access to the facilities and industry offered by the City and within walking distance of all major public transport hubs.

School Information:

Year established: 1868
Number of students: 450

School Facilities:

  • Sports hall and fitness program
  • Science laboratories
  • Commercial kitchens
  • Computer laboratories
  • Special Programs

  • Wide range of Nationally Recognised Training certificates for university pathways
  • School-based apprenticeships
  • Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Vietnamese

  • School Entry Requirements

    Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
    PSP 1 PSP 1 HSP 1 HSP 1 HSP 2 HSP 2 HSP 3

    *HSP refers to BROWNS High School Preparation program. TBA: To be advised.